Tri - Edge ™ : simulating optical switch strategy

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There are a lot of traffic in the center, so the need for additional bandwidth and faster network speed multiplied.Most of the primary data center is in the transition to the 200 g or 400 g, but only with traditional optical switching solution based on DSP, power consumption, latency and cost is higher.

Semtech Tri - Edge PAM4 clock and data recovery (CDR) technology is the first market in view of the low power solution optical communication link, can be used in the data center, the high performance computing (HPC), 5 g wireless prequel/returns multiple market segments, such as support from 100 meters to the range of 10 km.

In this white paper, you will learn about:

  • Booster industry reached 800 g PAM4 solutions of background, and how the Tri - Edge is applied to the market
  • The Tri - Edge products to first-class cost, delay and power consumption requirements of technology
  • Tri - Edge solution compared with the performance of the current market products
  • The Open Eye MSA, and the ecological system of how to speed up the PAM4 adoption and standardized

Download the white paper, exploration Tri - Edge advantage in data center.


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